Hey there, future church planters! Let’s talk about the wild ride of church planting. It’s like trying to ride a unicycle while juggling flaming torches – exciting, terrifying, and potentially disastrous if you don’t know what you’re doing. But don’t worry, I’ve got your back. Today, we’re diving into the three big C’s that’ll keep your church plant from going up in flames: Consistency, Competence, and Communication.
Consistency: The Secret Sauce of Trust
Picture this: You’re at a new restaurant. The food’s amazing on your first visit, but the next time, it’s worse than your Great Aunt Mildred’s meatloaf. Are you going back? Heck no! The same goes for your church plant. People need to know you’re not just a one-hit wonder.
Why It Matters
Consistency is like that dependable friend who always shows up, even when you’re having a bad hair day. It tells your congregation, “Hey, we’re in this for the long haul, not just when it’s convenient.”
How to Nail It
- Keep it simple, stupid (KISS): Don’t try to be a mega-church on day one. Start small, but be relentless about showing up.
- Stick to your guns: Have a core set of activities and pour your heart into them. Whether it’s Sunday service or Wednesday night Bible study, make it happen come rain or shine.
- Set expectations: Let your people know what’s coming. If they can set their watch by your church activities, you’re doing it right.
Competence: Because Winging It Only Gets You So Far
Look, we all love that friend who’s always up for an adventure, but would you let them perform surgery on you? Probably not. Your church needs more than just good intentions – it needs someone who knows what they’re doing.
Why It Matters
Competence is like spiritual CrossFit. It builds your ministry muscles and shows your congregation you’re not just playing church – you’re serious about this gig.
Level Up Your Game
- Never stop learning: Read books, attend conferences, stalk – I mean, follow – successful church planters on social media. Soak up knowledge like a sponge.
- Build your dream team: You can’t do it all, and honestly, you shouldn’t. Find people who are better than you at stuff and get them on board.
- Embrace the “I don’t know”: Competence isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about knowing where to find them. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Communication: Because Mind Reading Isn’t a Spiritual Gift
Ever played telephone as a kid? By the end of the line, “I like cheese” somehow becomes “The aliens are coming!” That’s what happens in your church when communication breaks down.
Why It Matters
Good communication is like WD-40 for your church – it keeps everything running smoothly and prevents a whole lot of squeaking (aka complaining).
Talk the Talk
- Overcommunicate like your life depends on it: Use every channel you’ve got – social media, email, carrier pigeons if you have to. Make sure everyone knows what’s going on.
- Listen up: Communication is a two-way street. Create ways for your people to give feedback without feeling like they’re walking into the principal’s office.
- Keep it real: When things go sideways (and they will), be honest about it. People can smell BS from a mile away, and it doesn’t smell like roses.
Bringing It All Together
Here’s the deal: Consistency builds trust, competence keeps things running, and communication makes sure everyone’s on the same page. It’s like a three-legged stool – take one away, and you’re going to end up on your butt.
Remember, at the end of the day, this is God’s show. We’re just the roadies trying to set up the stage. Keep your eyes on the Big Guy upstairs, lean into these principles, and watch your church plant grow into something amazing.
Now go out there and plant some churches! Just don’t forget to water them with these three C’s. Trust me, your future congregation (and your sanity) will thank you.