Ministry and family are two of our highest callings in life, but they can also be among the most challenging. How do we honor both callings without sacrificing one for the other? As a pastor and a father of three, I have grappled with this question for years. In this blog post, I will share some insights and tips on how to find the sweet spot between ministry and family.
Here are a few things I have learned over the years:
1. Define Your Priorities
First and foremost, you need to clarify your priorities, both in ministry and in family life. What are the most important things you want to accomplish in each area? What values and goals guide your decisions and actions? Once you have a clear picture of your priorities, you can make intentional choices that align with them.
For example, in ministry, your top priorities may include preaching, teaching, counseling, and outreach. In family life, your priorities may include quality time, healthy relationships, spiritual growth, and academic and extracurricular activities. By defining your priorities, you can avoid pursuing peripheral or trivial tasks that drain your time and energy.
Just for 100% transparency, my priorities are:
- God – first and foremost
- My Wife
- My children
- Ministry
When I was bi-vocational, #4 would be a toss-up between work and ministry. I had to be able to provide for my family, but at the same time, I had a calling to make disciples.
2. Set Realistic Expectations
One of the biggest challenges of balancing ministry and family is dealing with unrealistic expectations, from yourself and others. You may feel the pressure to be a perfect pastor, spouse, and parent, to always be available and competent, and to never make mistakes or have weaknesses. Or you may receive expectations from your congregation, your colleagues, or your family members that exceed your capacity or conflict with your values.
To avoid burnout and frustration, it is essential to set realistic expectations that honor your limitations and strengths. Be honest with yourself and others about what you can and cannot do, and seek support and feedback when needed. Find a balance between excellence and grace, between efficiency and rest, and between work and play.
And remember – the responsibilities of a pastor isn’t exactly what some church practice. I saw an ad that a church placed for a senior pastor job opening. The church was looking for someone to work 40 hours a week, do home visitations, and hospital visitation, and be on call for emergencies. The ad stated the work days were Monday through Friday but then stated the pastor is expected to be at Saturday church functions and be the main preacher for no less than 80% of all Sunday worship gatherings. This is the recipe for burnout and is unsustainable.
3. Create Boundaries
Another key to balancing ministry and family is creating healthy boundaries that protect your time, energy, and relationships. Without boundaries, you may find yourself constantly distracted, interrupted, or pulled in different directions, which can lead to stress, resentment, or neglect. You may sacrifice your family time for ministry emergencies, or vice versa, which can damage your relationships and effectiveness.
To create boundaries, you may need to:
– Schedule your time and tasks, both in ministry and in family life, and stick to your plan as much as possible.
– Say no to some requests, invitations, or obligations that do not fit your priorities or capacity.
– Delegate or outsource some tasks, both in ministry and in family life, to people you trust and respect.
– Use technology wisely, such as turning off notifications, using filters, or limiting social media use.
– Communicate openly and respectfully with your spouse, children, and ministry partners about your boundaries and needs.
4. Seek Community
Finally, balancing ministry and family requires a supportive and encouraging community, both within and outside your church. You need people who understand your challenges, who can pray for you, listen to you, advise you, and even celebrate with you. You need people who can share your ministry and family responsibilities, who can offer practical assistance, and who can challenge and inspire you to grow.
To seek community, you may need to:
– Join a pastor peer group; just make sure it’s not toxic,
– Find a mentor or a coach who can offer guidance, feedback, and accountability.
– Ask for help from trusted friends, family members, and volunteers, who can watch your children, provide meals, or take care of other needs during busy or stressful times.
– Connect with other pastors and ministry leaders who face similar challenges, either in person or online.
Balancing ministry and family is not an easy task, but it is possible. Remember that God is the source of your strength, and gives you wisdom if you ask for it.
Hope this helps someone today!