Planting churches in non-traditional locations

Some church planters are focusing on planting churches in locations that are not typically associated with traditional churches, such as coffee shops, breweries, or coworking spaces. Here is a question to ask yourself: Where would a non-believer go and not feel intimidated by their presuppositions about church?

Using technology to reach new people

Many church planters are using technology, such as social media, online streaming platforms, and apps, to reach people who may not be able to attend a church service physically.

Face it. Technology is here to stay. Rather than push back on its use, why don’t we embrace it and find ways to glorify God in the process?

Planting churches in diverse communities

Some church planters focus on planting churches in diverse communities, such as immigrant communities or neighborhoods with a mix of different races and cultures. Some even go a step further and share a facility. Now that is kingdom thinking!!

Planting churches that are truly missional

Some church planters are focused on planting churches that are missional in nature, meaning that they are actively engaged in sharing the Gospel as well as serving the needs of their community and seeking to make a positive impact in the world.